From hundreds of years women are called the weaker sex but have you ever wondered why? Women may be weaker than men physically but women in general feel both positive and negative emotions more strongly than men, which make them emotionally stronger. Then why are women the weaker sex and not men? Why aren't they treated equal?
Men alone can’t be blamed, who doesn't like to be called superior and better than the others? The biggest reason is that women have accepted that they are the weaker sex and they actually practice it and force the other women to believe that it’s a male dominated society and we (women) will have to accept it and live with the same.
Is it true? Is it a male dominated society, if so why is it?
As I mentioned in my previous blog औरत औरत की दुश्मन, Women don’t let other women live their lives their way. Even if a girl wants to make her own life decisions she can’t because in every step of her life she will be judged… judged by her colleagues, her relatives and other women.
If a woman chooses to make her career first and then get married, she is being judged.
If a woman chooses to wear shorts or skirts, she is being judged.
If a woman smokes or drinks, she is being judged.
If a married man is friends with a woman then the woman is considered to be at fault.
If a married woman is friends with a man, even then she is considered to be at fault.
When will this end? Why can’t women support other women? Women should understand that in order to emerge as a stronger sex we will have to unite. Why are we treating women the way we were treated by others? This is actual life we are talking about, not some college ragging where the seniors bully their juniors only because they were tortured by their seniors.We are living in the 21st century, things have changed and so should the mind set of people. I agree women have to face challenges throughout their lives but if women help other women achieve their goals rather than constantly judging and bullying them we can grow. Women have the ability to achieve the unthinkable just stop judging us by the decisions we make or by the way we choose to live our life. We are stronger than we credited ourselves to be. So if we actually want to change the way we are treated we will have to be the Change.
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